Health in pregnancy: Can You Drink Kombucha While Pregnant?

While kombucha has ancient roots in China, its popularity has experienced a resurgence in recent times, attributed to its perceived health advantages.

Much like its counterparts, black and green tea, kombucha tea boasts similar health benefits while also delivering a dose of beneficial probiotics.

Yet, the safety of consuming kombucha during pregnancy and breastfeeding remains a topic of debate and concern.

This article delves into the world of kombucha, examining its potential drawbacks when consumed during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Explore the intricacies and considerations surrounding the inclusion of kombucha in your diet during these crucial periods.

What Is Kombucha?

Kombucha, a popular fermented drink, is commonly crafted from black or green tea through a distinctive double fermentation process.

Typically, the preparation involves introducing a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) into sweetened tea, initiating fermentation at room temperature over a span of several weeks.

After this initial phase, the fermented tea undergoes a second fermentation in bottles for an additional 1–2 weeks, contributing to its characteristic slight sweetness, mild acidity, and overall refreshing taste.

To preserve its qualities, kombucha is often stored in refrigerators, effectively slowing down the fermentation and carbonation progression.

While readily available in grocery stores, some enthusiasts opt for a hands-on approach, brewing their own kombucha—a practice demanding precision and vigilance.

The surge in kombucha’s popularity is largely attributed to its perceived health advantages. Rich in probiotics, it serves as a valuable source of beneficial bacteria for your gut.

Probiotics, known for fostering digestive health, aiding in weight management, and potentially mitigating systemic inflammation, contribute to kombucha’s growing appeal in the realm of wellness.

Can I drink kombucha during pregnancy?

For expectant mothers who enjoy the tangy goodness of kombucha, unfortunately, this beloved drink isn’t deemed safe during pregnancy, posing concerns related to alcohol, caffeine, acidity, and potential contamination.

Alcohol Concerns: Every variant of kombucha, including the non-alcoholic versions, contains some degree of alcohol, typically up to 0.5 percent alcohol by volume—about one-tenth of an average beer. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends complete avoidance of alcohol during pregnancy due to the absence of a known safe limit. Certain “hard” kombuchas on the market can contain alcohol levels ranging from 1 to 8 percent, while home-brewed kombucha may reach up to 3 percent alcohol.

Caffeine Considerations: Crafted from black or green tea, kombucha carries approximately 25 to 50 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce serving, although the fermentation process tends to diminish this content. Health experts suggest that pregnant women maintain a daily caffeine intake of less than 200 mg during pregnancy.

Acidity Aspects: Upon completing the fermentation process, kombucha retains some acetic acid, responsible for its distinctive vinegary aroma and taste. With acidity comparable to soda, it has the potential to exacerbate heartburn and contribute to tooth decay.

Contamination Risks: Certain manufacturers produce raw, unpasteurized kombucha, raising the possibility of contamination by mold or harmful bacteria. It is advisable for pregnant individuals to steer clear of raw kombucha, especially homemade varieties.

Note: Pregnancy guidelines recommend avoiding certain foods, including raw or undercooked meat, soft unpasteurized cheeses, raw fish, and runny eggs, due to the elevated risk of severe food poisoning.

To address these concerns, various manufacturers employ heat or chemical methods to halt the fermentation process, ensuring the elimination of bacteria and yeast to prevent excessive alcohol or acetic acid production. Depending on the brand, kombucha may undergo flash pasteurization (heating to 160°F for 15 seconds) or preservation with substances like potassium sorbate or sodium benzoate, rendering these sterilized options potentially safer for consumption during pregnancy.

Is Kombucha Beneficial for Your Health?

Kombucha, derived from tea, boasts antioxidants and minerals, offering a beverage rich in potential health benefits. It features varying levels of probiotics, often referred to as “good” bacteria, which contribute to improved gut health. While kombucha’s advantages are acknowledged, comprehensive research on its overall health impact remains limited. Notably, probiotics can also be obtained from alternative sources such as kefir, yogurt with live active cultures, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

The Verdict: Given the multifaceted considerations, exercising caution with kombucha consumption during pregnancy is advisable. Engaging in a discussion with your healthcare provider—be it a doctor or midwife—is crucial to weigh the potential benefits against associated risks. If opting for kombucha, it is recommended to choose non-raw and lower-alcohol variants, all while being mindful of the caffeine content.

Can kombucha help with pregnancy nausea?

Amidst numerous pregnancy nausea remedies, Saxena advocates for safer alternatives to kombucha. The diverse components used in kombucha, including sugars, caffeine, herbs, and various flavor-enhancing elements, may not align with the goal of managing nausea during pregnancy. Saxena proposes alternative approaches such as incorporating gingerroot, fennel, or peppermint teas into the routine, opting for smaller, more frequent meals or snacks.

Additional strategies for nausea management encompass refraining from fluid intake during meals and opting for cold food. Saxena suggests that even flat ginger ale stands out as a safer and potentially beneficial option compared to kombucha. It is emphasized that kombucha, lacking any distinctive relief or advantage, introduces potential risks when consumed during pregnancy.

Are fermented foods safe during pregnancy?

While kombucha may pose certain safety concerns, Saxena advises that not all fermented foods need to be excluded from the diet during pregnancy.

“Soybean, bean curd, yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and tempeh can be considered safe during pregnancy,” notes Saxena. “It’s crucial, however, that these foods are not homemade but rather sourced from quality-tested products handled by certified food facilities to ensure avoidance of contamination.”

To further mitigate risks, Saxena recommends maintaining these foods at cold temperatures, below four degrees Celsius for kefir, or ensuring thorough cooking (e.g., tempeh). It’s important to be mindful of histamine levels in certain fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut, as excessive consumption should be avoided by pregnant women. Those with conditions such as hypertension, gestational diabetes, or a high risk of preeclampsia are advised to steer clear of these high-histamine, high-sodium, fermented foods.

Saxena underscores the potential drawbacks of homemade versions of these foods and emphasizes the importance of sourcing from reputable, certified facilities. Additionally, due to the potential alcohol content in kombucha resulting from fermentation, it is strongly advised to avoid this beverage during pregnancy. Lastly, considering the high levels of caffeine and added sugars in some fermented foods to facilitate the fermentation process, pregnant women are cautioned against consuming kombucha, as its risks outweigh any potential benefits during pregnancy.

Is kombucha OK to drink when pregnant?

Moreover, there is an elevated risk that home-brewed kombucha might be tainted with harmful pathogens. Hence, homemade kombucha is commonly recommended to be avoided during pregnancy.

What happens if you accidentally drink kombucha while pregnant?

While there is a lack of extensive studies on the repercussions of consuming kombucha during pregnancy, it is advisable to refrain from drinking kombucha during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This caution is due to its modest alcohol content, caffeine presence, and absence of pasteurization.

Are fermented foods safe during pregnancy?

As a general guideline, it’s recommended to avoid mold-based ferments, honey ferments, fermented meat, eggs, and raw cheese during pregnancy. If fermented foods were not a part of your regular diet before pregnancy, it’s advisable to introduce them gradually in small amounts to ensure they agree with your system.

Is kombucha safe during pregnancy?

Determining whether you should consume kombucha during pregnancy lacks a definitive answer. The debate revolves around two main factors: the presence of natural bacteria and the minimal alcohol content in kombucha. Let’s delve deeper into these considerations.

Kombucha contains live bacteria generated during the fermentation process. While the majority of these bacteria are beneficial and contribute to gut health, there is a possibility of residual ‘bad’ bacteria depending on the brewing conditions. This could pose a potential risk to the baby. However, this concern primarily applies to home-brewed kombucha. Commercially-available brands are subject to stringent health and safety regulations, ensuring the removal of any harmful bacteria.

At Equinox, we maintain a BRC double A grade site, adhering to the British Retail Consortium Food Safety Standards. Our breweries uphold exceptionally high levels of food safety and hygiene, mitigating any potential risks associated with kombucha consumption during pregnancy.

Does kombucha have alcohol?

Kombucha is a fermented beverage associated with numerous potential health benefits. Commercially available kombucha tea is typically labeled as non-alcoholic, containing less than 0.5% alcohol. However, it’s crucial to note that homebrewed versions may harbor substantially higher alcohol levels and can present various health risks if not prepared correctly.

Is kombucha good for You?

Kombucha, a fermented beverage crafted from tea, sugar, and bacterial and yeast cultures, offers a range of potential health benefits, including:

  1. Probiotics for Gut Health: It provides probiotics that contribute to improved gut health and digestion.
  2. Antioxidants and Polyphenols: Kombucha contains antioxidants and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help protect against cellular damage.
  3. Immune System Support: It may strengthen the immune system, aiding in the fight against infections.
  4. Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health: There’s a potential for reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  5. Anti-Cancer Properties: Some studies suggest kombucha may play a role in preventing or inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
  6. Weight Loss and Detoxification: It could contribute to weight loss and detoxification processes.

It’s important to note that while these benefits are suggested by some studies, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of kombucha’s positive effects on health. Additionally, individual responses to kombucha can vary, and moderation is key due to its acidic nature and, in some cases, alcohol content.

Is it safe to drink alcohol during pregnancy?

The risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy are substantial and extend across all stages of gestation. There is no designated safe period for alcohol use during this crucial time. The detrimental impact of alcohol on the developing baby begins early on, potentially even before a woman is aware of her pregnancy. Engaging in alcohol use within the initial three months of pregnancy can result in the baby developing abnormal facial features. Therefore, it is strongly advised to abstain from alcohol consumption throughout the entire duration of pregnancy to safeguard the well-being of both the mother and the unborn child.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does kombucha undergo fermentation?

The fermentation process involves introducing a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) into sweetened tea, allowing it to ferment at room temperature for several weeks. Subsequently, the resulting product is usually transferred into bottles or other containers for an additional period of fermentation and carbonation lasting a couple of weeks. At this stage, the fully fermented kombucha is refrigerated.

Are there any health benefits to drinking kombucha outside of pregnancy?

Similar to green tea, kombucha offers health benefits for individuals who are not pregnant. The final product contains antioxidants and probiotics, contributing to improved gut health. However, it’s important to note that if improperly prepared, especially in the case of home-brewed kombucha, there is a risk of over-fermentation or contamination, posing potential health hazards for pregnant women.

For those who wish to incorporate kombucha into their diet, the only advisable time is after giving birth. Consumption before childbirth may elevate the risk of infection or illness. If the goal is to alleviate pregnancy-related nausea, alternative options such as gingerroot, fennel, or peppermint teas, along with the consumption of smaller meals or snacks, can be explored.



  • Jim S. Dawson

    Meet Jim Dawson, a 22-year-old blog writer from New Jersey. With a passion for storytelling and a diverse range of interests, Jim's blog explores the intricacies of technology, travel, and personal development. A perpetual learner and advocate for collaboration, Jim invites readers to join him on a journey of discovery through the lens of his words. Welcome to his corner of the digital universe!

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